With the help of these NCERT Solutions you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster. Click on my you tube channel Sanjeev Sukrail EXPECTED QUESTIONS ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS 12TH SHORT TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Explain any six qualities of good leader 2. Describe the moral education through physical education 3. Explain dehydration, heat stroke and exercise induced asthma 4. Enlist the elements of yoga and explain any two in detail 5. Discuss the important elements of positive environment 6. Define fitness and describe its importance in the field of sports. 7. State the different training methods for development strength. 8. Why moral values are eroding? Comment 9. What do you mean by heat related illness? How will you prevent it? 10. Write the relationship of yoga with physical and mental health 11. Explain some of the factors which influence physical fitness 12. Write the importance of moral education in present era 13. What is sports medicine? Give its sign...