Class 12th Political science

Sanjeev educare is serving society with quality education. With the help of these NCERT Solutions, you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster. Click on my you tube channel Sanjeev Sukrail NCERT Solutions for Political science Part A: Contemporary World Politics Unit 1: Cold War Era Unit 2: The End of Bipolarity Unit 3: US Hegemony in World Politics Unit 4: Alternative Centers of Power Unit 5: Contemporary South Asia in the Post-Cold War Era Unit 6: International Organizations Unit 7: Security in Contemporary World Unit 8: Environment and Natural Resources Unit 9: Globalisation Part B: Politics in India since Independence Unit 10: Challenges of Nation-Building Unit 11: Era of One-Party Dominance Unit 12: Politics of Planned Development Unit 13: India's External Relations Unit 14: Challenges to the Congress System Unit 15: Crisis of the Democratic Order Unit 16: Popular Movements in India Unit 17: Regio...