Short type Entrepreneur question answer

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35) What is diversification

Ans: It is a process of adding more products or markets or services to the existing product line. It overcomes the limitation of business growth through expansion.

36) What is product mix

Ans: It refers to the complete range of products that is offered for sale by company. It is also called as product assortment

37) Write a short note on labour intensive technology

Ans: Provides wide scope for employment opportunities, ensure effective use of resources and capital. However labour intensive units tend to show lower productivity, low rate of capital involvement and fails to improve the work by hands, there is no use of machinery.

38) What is labour intensive technology

Ans: It provides wide scope for employment opportunities; ensure effective use of resources and capital. However labour intensive units tend to show lower productivity.

39) What is Vision and Mission

Ans: A vision statement describes the desired future position of the company.

A mission statement explain the company’s business its objective and its approaches to reach to those objectives

40) What is Zeroing the process

Ans: On the basis of analysis, the most suitable idea is finally selected to convert it into a enterprise. The process involve selection of project out of some projects

41) Difference between merger from acquisitions

Ans: Mergers: It means the fusion of two or more than two companies voluntarily to form a new company. Its main purpose is to reduce competition.

Acquisitions: When one entity purchases the business of another entity. The main purpose is instantaneous growth.

42) Give two rights of consumers


Right to safety: it means that the consumer has a right to be protected against the marketing, goods and services

Right to be informed: a consumer has a right to get true and computer information about quality, quantity prices and date of manufacturing & expiring of product

43) What is fund flow statement? What its features

Ans: It is the technique by which an entrepreneur studies the change in the financial position of the enterprise. This statement is very useful in the growth of an enterprise.


·        It helps in analysis of financial operations.

·        It acts as future guide

·        It helps in proper allocation of resources.

·        It helps in the formation of proper dividend policy.

·        It helps in the allocation of working capital

44) What are non-financial resources?

Ans: The non-financial resources refer to all those resources other than financial resources e.g skills, raw material, experience, natural resources etc.

45) What is marketing assessment

Ans: it is a process of systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of information related to market trends, customers, competitors and market. This done to create business plan

46) What is expansion?

Ans:  It is one of the forms of internal growth of business. Expansion is a natural growth of enterprise taking can be done by expanding the size of market implementing the new machinery & techniques increasing the size of production.

47) What is cost of Capital?

Ans: It is the cost of company’s funds. For investors point of view investment is worthy only if the expected return of capital is higher than the cost of capital

48) What is the difference between Equity shares and preference shares


Equity shares

Preference shares

·        Equity shares are the ordinary shares of the company representing the part ownership of the shareholder in the company.

·     The dividend is paid after the payment of all liabilities.

·      In the event of winding up of the company, equity shares are repaid at the end.

·   Preference shares are the shares that carry preferential rights on the matters of payment of dividend and repayment of capital.

·      Priority in payment of dividend over equity shareholders.

·      In the event of winding up of the company, preference shares are repaid before equity shares.

49) Give any three characteristics of good business plan


It should be clearly define the objectives and ways of achieving same

It should be simple and comprehensive

It should be logical and practical

It should always involve the participation of subordinates

50) Define EOQ

Ans: It refers to as economic order quantity which can be brought a minimum cost. It is the size of lot to be purchased which is economically viable

51)  What is the difference between private and public company?


Private company

Public Company

·        It has minimum of 2 members and maximum 50 members

·        Max paid up capital in a private company is 1 lakh

·        Transfer of shares is not possible

·        It cannot invite general public to subscribe its shares

·        It has minimum of 7 members and no maximum members

·        Minimum paid up capital in a public company is 5 lakh

·        Transfer of shares is possible

·        It can invite general public to subscribe its shares

52) What is the difference between fixed capital and working capital


Fixed Capital

Working Capital

·        Fixed capital is the investments done by the business for accruing long-term benefits.

·        Fixed capital is used to acquire non-current assets of the company

·        It can’t be converted into cash or kind immediately.

·        Working capital is the daily requirement pumped into the business.

·        Working capital is used to acquire the current assets of the company

·        It can be converted into cash or kind immediately.

53) What is capitalization

Ans: It is the process of recording an expense or cost in a permanent account and systematically allocating over future periods.

54) What is standardisation?

Ans: It refers to determining of standards regarding size design, weight, colour, raw material to used etc. It also means products supplied in same standards shown in the samples

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