Short type Entrepreneur question answers

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18) What is entrepreneurship

Ans: The entrepreneur is defined as someone who has the ability and desire to establish, administer and succeed in a start up venture along with risk entitled to it, to make profits. The best example of entrepreneurship is the starting of a new business venture.

19) What is market plan

Ans: A market plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, without a sound strategic foundation, it is of little use to a business.

20) What is product line

Ans: A product line is a group of related products under a single brand sold by the same company. Companies sell multiple product lines under their various brands. It often expands their offerings by adding to existing product lines.

21) What is growth stage

Ans: The growth stage is the period during which the product eventually and increasingly gains acceptance among consumers, the industry, and the wider general public. During this stage, the product or the innovation becomes accepted in the market, and as a result sales and revenues start to increase.

22) What is maturity stage

Ans: In this stage the key problems are how rapidly and how to finance that growth. The organization is decentralized and the key managers must be very competent to handle a growing and complex business environment.

23) What is share and debenture


Share: It is a type of fixed working capital rescue by a company. According to the company act 1956, A company issue two types of shares namely as preference share and equity shares.

Debenture: It is also a source of permanent working capital. It carries a fixed rate of interest. The debenture holders are the creditors of the company.

24) What is debt equity ratio

Ans: it is a debt ratio used to measure a company’s financial leverage, calculated by dividing a company’s total liabilities by its stockholder’s equity. It indicates how much debt a company is using to finance its assets relative to the amount of value represented in shareholder’s equity.

25) what is BEP(break even point)

Ans: Break-even point (BEP) is a term in accounting that refers to the situation where a company’s revenues and expenses were equal within a specific accounting period. It means that there were no net profits or no net losses for the company.

26) What is entrepreneurial discipline

Ans: It is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Successful entrepreneurs do their task regularly without interruption. It is the quality which sticks them to one goal

27) What is return on investment?

Ans: A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investments or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments. ROI measures the amount of return on an investment relative to the investment’s cost.

28) What is distribution channel?

Ans: It is the channel which helps in transferring the ownership of the products form one individual to other individual and then finally reached to consumer for the satisfaction of their needs and wants.

30) What are the right of consumers

Ans: These are the right given to the consumers to protect against any unfair practices of trade. There are six rights given to consumers

Right to safety, Right to be informed, Right to choose, Right to heard, Right to seek redressal and Right to consumer education.

31) What is sale promotion

Ans: It refers to the promotional activities which increase the sales of the production. It includes advertisement personal selling, coupons, publicity free samples etc. it helps in gaining the additional market share by expanding target market.      

32) What is procurement of funds?

Ans: The function of procurement of funds starts from estimating the requirement of funds. It involves a lot of forecasting exercises to identify each and every future requirement of the project and find out the sum required for investment in fixed assets and working capital

33) Define market

Ans: A market is a place where two parties can gather to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. The parties involved are usually buyers and sellers.

34) What is product life cycle

Ans: The term product life cycle refers to the length of time a product is introduced to consumers into the market until it is removed from the shelves. The life cycle of a product is broken into four stages—introduction, growth, maturity, and decline

35) Define public relation

Ans: A public relation is the idea of creating coverage for clients for free, rather than marketing or advertising. The aim of public relation is to inform the public and other stakeholders about the organisation, its products or political decisions

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